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"Let the light shining inside of you be brighter than the light shining on you"

Dabo Swinney - Head Coach - Clemson University Football - 2016 NCAA National Champions

- A great teacher not only introduces the student to new ideas and concepts but also helps to inspire and guide them to achieve specific goals.

- My goal is for the student to experience joy through learning rather than discouragement. By replacing fear and doubt with confidence and enthusiasm, the full potential of the student is revealed.  This helps them to reach their goals effectively and naturally.

- Because each player is unique, each must learn to emphasize different elements within their studies in order to grow steadily. Therefore, it is imperative for a teacher to discern which studies will benefit the student’s development and which will hinder it.  I teach students what to practice and why.

 - As a music educator, I feel that my purpose is to provide an inspirational and educational musical environment where the personal achievements of the student instill each with knowledge, goal setting values and the appreciation of success.

- Through studying music the student develops not  only as a musician but also as a human being.  Character traits such as responsibility, sensitivity, perseverance, teamwork and confidence are utilized and developed.

- By learning to connect the instrument to the ear, a student’s progress can be greatly enhanced.  This helps them to realize that developing the ear is the essential step towards improvement on their instrument.

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